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Watch Full NBC Videos on Your iPhone

Until the game-changing Hulu app drops, fans of 30 Rock, The Office, and other NBC shows can catch them full-screen on their iPhone or iPod touch, as well as on a few other mobile phones.

It's probably not a new feature, but none of the Lifehacker editors ever thought to surf over to and see if they offered full episode videos in streaming QuickTime for iPhones until we were tipped off. The episodes (broken into three or four parts, in some cases) look pretty crisp on the iPhone/touch, and while the show and episode offerings aren't as robust as on Hulu, the quality is definitely there. It would seem to work over either Wi-Fi or 3G/EDGE, too.

Testing it out on an Android-powered G1, the videos were still there, but the video was noticeably chunky while playing, even if there was no lag. If you're finding NBC's mobile site decent on any other phones or mobile devices, let us know in the comments. Oh, and as Liz Lemon would say, it's not product placement—we just like it. Thanks, Isaac!

NBC Mobile